Saturday, October 31, 2015

7 Reasons Why I Love Being a Member of Truly Rich Club (Part 1)

What is Truly Rich Club?

Truly Rich Club is a community founded by Bro. Bo Sanchez that has mission of Helping Good People Become Rich. Here's the reason why I love to be a member of Truly Rich Club.

1. It makes me TRULY RICH

Surprising isn't it? That's why it's called Truly Rich Club. Haha! Who else doesn't want to be rich?But what does it mean to be truly rich? First time I heard Truly Rich Club I became curious. Why truly rich and not only rich? So I look for it in the internet to know why until I found their website.(Check it HERE!) I found out that this club will guide you to invest in your financial and spiritual self. Though I'm not that religious person I find it as an opportunity to help me grow my spiritual self and at the same time I will become rich. Wow! That's great! But how? Ever heard of Abundance Formula? This formula is one of many things I have learned from this club that makes me richer every month. The Formula is this:
In this club you won't be forced to give 10% of your income as your tithe but we do it as it is a great biblical guideline to follow. It depends to you on what you can give.  The question is can you live below your means? This formula seems too hard especially when we are used to live with 100% of our income. But believe me that when you do this as a habit it will become easier eventually and by doing this month by month I can feel that I am getting richer spiritually and financially every month! :)

2. It saves me TIME

Investing in stock market isn't risky at all IF you're going to spend TIME studying what is happening with the company you are investing for. Let's make it clear. Not just time but a lot of time! Who wants to lose their money? Of course you are investing to make your money work for you to make more. Warren Buffet the greatest investor of all and the 2nd richest man in the world once said, "Time is the friend of the wonderful business, the enemy of mediocre." We all know that we can't turn back time so we make sure to make the most of it. But we're all busy in our job and in our family so how do we spend time to study those companies? Truly Rich Club has an answer to that. We have a strategy called SAM (Strategic Averaging Method). In this strategy we have a list of chosen companies to invest in and we make sure that we buy those companies cheap and we sell them high so that we earn good profits as much as 17% annual return. (Warren Buffet averages at 20% annual return. Close enough.) How? They do the monitoring of the chosen companies for us. And by doing that simple strategy SAM we beat inflation rate. \m/

3. I can see the WORLD DIFFERENTLY

Are you familiar with these beliefs? "Money is the root of all evil!", "Saving means you don't trust the plans of God for your future.", "Love the poor so be poor and don't be ambitious in getting rich" "Businessmen are greedy. They only think for themselves. They're selfish!" For a very long time I believed to these. But it all change when I joined this club. Why did it change? The verse in the bible is misunderstood by many. 1 Timothy 6:10 says, "For the love of money is a root of all sorts of evil, and some by longing for it  have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs."  Now you see the difference? The bible says "For the LOVE of money..." and not money itself. Money is only money. It should not defy your character. But let's accept the fact that we all need money for our daily living. When I was a child, I have bad beliefs that I see the world as world of poor, hatred, and greed. But when I joined TRC my path aligned with my character that I can feel the abundance and love in the world that God has given us. And I believe as what Bro. Bo said, "The ultimate of purpose of wealth is to love others." Then on I started to create my new wealth and abundance beliefs to see the world differently.

I know that I have expressed myself too long so I cut it into half. Please continue reading the second part. I'd really appreciate it. 

Click HERE for the part 2. Thank you! :)

All the best,

Paul Anthony R. Aguilar

PS: Download the Free E-book of Bro. Bo Sanchez -"My Maid Invest in the Stock Market" and learn how to invest in the stock market and have Bro. Bo as your Financial and Spiritual Mentor.

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